bp pulse understands that there may be times when customers need to raise a complaint or express dissatisfaction with a service or product. Our company views any expression of dissatisfaction, as an opportunity to hear the voice of our customers and in turn, learn and improve for the future. It is also a chance to put things right for the person (or organisation) that has raised their concerns.
Where a customer has cause to complain, the complaints policy will be followed in every instance and a record will be made of the complaint nature and details to help improve our services and reduce the occurrence of similar complaints.
Our commitment:
To provide a fair complaints procedure which is clear and easy to use for all customers.
To make sure all complaints are investigated in a timely manner
To thoroughly investigate, review and provide an outcome
To publicise our complaints procedure so that customers are informed on how to contact us to make a complaint
To appropriately prioritise complaints taking into consideration, safety, vulnerability, impact to customer and time involved to resolution.
To ensure our employees understand the process of what to do in the event a customer wishes to express dissatisfaction or raise a formal complaint.
To analysis feedback and insights to help us to grow and improve the services we offer.
To expedite complaints relating to personal data an ensure that we meet the regulatory response time in line with the Privacy legislation all complaints relating to personal data can be raised directly to
Definition of a Complaint
Where a customer expresses dissatisfaction with a situation and/or raises concerns where they believe we have failed to provide a sufficient level of service, or caused them loss, damage, distress or inconvenience.
Complaints may come from any individual or organisation who is deemed a customer of bp pulse or working on behalf of our customer.
A complaint can be received:
verbally, by phone 0800 464 3444
in writing to: bp pulse, Linford Wood,MK14 6GY
All complaints relating to personal data can be raised directly to
Confidentiality : All complaint information and personal data will be handled sensitively and in line with our Privacy Notice.