
5 ways to support your EV's battery lifespan

014 Apr 2024

This quick read could give you long-lasting battery gains

Whether you’re thinking of dipping your toe into EV waters or you’ve been driving one for a while, it’s normal to have a few questions about your EV’s battery staying power. The good news is, according to this recent report, most EV manufacturers offer a warranty for their batteries of around eight years, with some expected to last much longer.

And once you’ve taken your EV home? Good news there, too. A bit of proactivity on your part could really pay off when it comes to helping your battery thrive. Here are five steps you can take that, if they become habitual, could support your battery’s lifespan.

1. Consider charging to 80%

In the EV world, it’s generally considered a good idea to charge up to 80% of a battery’s capacity, rather than 100%. This is because batteries find it easier to charge when they’re a little empty, rather than nearly full. Charging to 80% causes less ‘stress’ to the battery, so you may help them last longer if this is your usual charging level. Find out more about the benefits of an 80% charge.

2. Try not to dip below 20% charge

Just as it’s considered good practice to stay below 100% for battery health, try also to stay above the 20% charge, if possible. That’s because EV batteries can expend more energy to charge if they’re below 20%, so they’re work much harder than usual. Keeping above 20% can help your battery avoid this extra load. However, different EVs have different ideal charging ranges. Double check with your manual and manufacturer, tailor your charging accordingly, and you may be able to boost your battery longevity.

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3. Think Goldilocks for temperatures

Goldilocks liked her porridge just right. EV batteries like a happy medium for temperatures, too. If batteries are very hot or cold – during a heatwave or a chilly January, for example – you might see a change in your charging speed. That’s because the battery will overcompensate in order to operate as efficiently as possible. Check with your manual for its preferred temperature range, and consider parking in the shade, in garages, and investing in a car sunshade for those sweltering summer days.

4. Off the road for a while? Check your manual

Your manufacturer may recommend a certain charge level if your EV is going to be off the road from anything for a week to a few months, depending on the make and model of your EV. Typically, the charge might be under 100% - but – yes – you know what we’re going to say next. Dig out that handbook and you could be caring for your battery even while you relax on the beach (or sofa).

5. Be more tortoise

We all know who wins the race: the slow and steady tortoise. And when it comes to your EV, being more tortoise could well be a winner for your battery life, too. This is because accelerating and decelerating abruptly may use up more electricity than driving at the same speed. Using more energy could mean your battery drains faster, which is not conducive to it reaching a ripe old age. Adopting more of a laidback driving style, then, could help your battery last longer.

We hope our suggestions for maintaining a long and healthy battery life have been useful. Discover more advice and insights online and on the app, and make your EV journey as painless as possible.

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