
Like to be prepared? Top 10 EV accessory ideas

07 Jul 2024

Ten bits of kit that may boost your EV journeys

If you’re new to the EV lifestyle, one piece of advice you’ll hear regularly from bp pulse HQ is that a bit of preparation goes a long way.

Looking at your route in advance to suss out convenient charging spots. Keeping an eye on weather temperature to help care for battery health. As for thinking about kitting out your EV with some helpful accessories? We’re all for it.

That’s because the right accessories may help with charging, safety, navigation and more.

Whether you’re new to EV driving, keen to take EV ownership to the next level, or an EV is your first car, these could come in handy. Are they compulsory? No. Do we recommend them? Yes.

The good news is, most of these you may have already if you’ve driven a petrol car before, which could help with budgeting. Only two are EV specific. Let’s get started with them before moving on to the rest.

1. Portable charging cable

Why you might use it: Some chargers on the public charging network require drivers to provide their own charging cables to connect. For example, our 7kWh chargers require a personal charging cable. Remember to choose a charging cable which is compatible with the socket in your vehicle.

2. RFID card (also known as a bp pulse card)

What’s an RFID card? While RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) can have multiple uses, when it comes to EV charging, they’re used to make it easy to start, stop and pay for charging at charging points by tapping your card against a reader.

Why you might use it: You can pay for your charge without using a debit or credit card. And because an RFID card contains unique information, it can also be linked to a user account, making it easy to keep track of your charging sessions and spend. Discover more about these accessories.

3. Smartphone mount

Why they're handy: If you use a smartphone for navigation – for example, you use Google Maps – then a smartphone mount can ensure your phone stays in a safe and convenient place, so you can get directions, see the screen easily, and focus on the road.

We know you know this, but it bears repeating: smartphones should not be used for any other reason whilst driving.

4. Tyre inflator

No one wants a flat tyre, but having a tyre inflator in the boot could make one slightly less inconvenient. These can be used to get you safe enough to drive until you can get a replacement tyre (if you have to).

5. Tyre puncture kit

You can repair punctures in EV cars in much the same way as you do with a petrol car. These are extremely helpful to keep handy so you can get back on the road before getting a replacement tyre, if necessary.

6. Blind spot mirrors

Why they’re handy: For a safety perspective. These small mirrors can be placed on your wing mirrors to extend your visibility of blind spots.

7. Emergency roadside kit

Why you might want one: If you break down, an emergency roadside kit has the essentials you need to improve your safety and get you back on the road. Within one you might expect to find a safety hammer, pressure gauge, jumper cables, first aid kit, warning triangle, tow rope, reflective vest, gloves and compass whistle.

8. De-icing equipment

Whether you use a spray, aerosol or scraper, de-icing tools can help you to clear ice from your front and rear windscreens and give you improved visibility on the road.

9. Car charger

If you use your phone for navigation, keeping a USB cable to charge it while you drive could be a good idea. (We’re all about charging, here.) Not all EVs will have a USB socket so you may also need a car charging adapter.

10. Floor mats

The humble floor mat will help keep your EV clean and hygienic. They’re removable, so easy to hoover and place back. (Our other spring cleaning tips can give you cleaner air and boost the longevity of your EV.)

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