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New to public EV charging? Follow our safety tips

07 Jul 2024

Stay safe when charging on the go

If you’re thinking about making the switch to the EV life for the first time, it’s normal to have a few questions. Like – ‘What's the difference between kW and kWh again?’ (This article we wrote may help with that.) Or: ‘What percentage should I usually charge my battery to?’ (We can help with that too.)

But when it comes to your safety while charging on the public network, we don’t think you should ever be left wondering or not knowing what’s what. Fortunately, we can help out there as well.

Broadly speaking, staying safe during public EV charging boils down to using the same common sense and awareness you already use in any public car park or petrol station. However, if you’re about to dip into the EV waters – or even if you’re a seasoned pro – a safety refresher is always time well spent, so let’s get into it.

1. Read your EV manual before you hit the road (then read it again)

We love a manual. It gives you familiarity and confidence, which can help you get the best out of your specific make and model, from travelling to safety. The better you know your EV, the quicker you’ll recognise if anything seems unexpected. Huge brownie points if you read it cover to cover a few times a year.

2. Stay aware of your surroundings

Whether you’re at a busy gigahub or a quiet charging site, look out for other vehicles and pedestrians always. Try to stick to designated crossings and walkways, and refrain from using a mobile or anything that might distract you while travelling around a charging site. Check your emails and messages when you’re sitting down with a brew – not before.

Find out more about public EV charging

We'll keep your electric vehicle moving as you travel around the UK with our network of charging points—so you can plug in, power up, and go.

3. Sticking to speed limits keeps you and others safe

Charging sites – just like car parks and roads - have speed limits to protect you, other drivers, and pedestrians. Look out for them.

4. Turn your engine off to charge

This is good charging practice – it makes sure your EV will be completely stationary. Check – you guessed it – your manual, to make sure you know the right procedure for your EV.

5. Charging with children? Keep them safe

Engage your usual care that you’d use at any public space or car park. Make them aware of safety too, like sticking close to you, looking out for other cars, and not running.

6. When reversing into charging bays, remember your mirrors

It sounds obvious, but don’t let the temptations of any sleek hardware and charging kit (or the siren call of coffee at a nearby cafe) distract you from parking safely first. You know this already, but it bears repeating.

7. We’re just a phone call away

We check our chargers regularly, but if you have any questions about a charger you’re using or want to bring our attention to a possible safety issue, please contact our 24/7 customer care helpline on 0800 464 3444. Why not store the number in your phone now?

8. For a sure touch, read our instructions beforehand

When it comes to charging with bp pulse, we’re here to take the guesswork away as much as possible. If you’re new to our chargers or the charging experience as a whole, these super clear instructions on how to use them can give you the safest possible start.

We hope you feel inspired and confident around charging on the public network. For lots more tips to keep you safety savvy, why not stick around and browse our going electric articles?

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