
What to know about EVs and hot weather

024 Jul 2024

8 great tips for electric car maintenance on hot days

Hooray for summer! While you’re topping up your sunscreen and making a mental note to stay out of the midday sun, when it comes to hot days, there are also some tricks of the trade for responsible EV ownership that are good to know.

These summer care ideas for your EV can really pay off, with benefits ranging from peace of mind, battery longevity, and legitimate excuses for ice-cream.

Let’s take a look.

1. Take an active interest in your battery temperature

There’s an optimal temperature for EV batteries when they can work at their best. A good rule of thumb for many EVs is to try to keep things within 15-35° celsius, as we’ve covered here, but double-check your manual for your specific make and model.

You may not have had to think about temperatures too much, especially if you’re going into your first summer with an EV. That's because most EVs have their own temperature control that keeps your battery at its optimal temperature to prevent the battery pack from overheating. Still, we’d always recommend being proactive and monitoring your temperature yourself during charging, or on long drives when the day is notably much hotter than usual. It’s just good ownership, and can help you make some tweaks that will help care for it.

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2. Have a cool down schedule

Got a long summer drive ahead? Add in a little extra time to your journey to take a few cooling off breaks for your EV. That should keep your battery ticking over nicely – and might be a good excuse to treat the kids to ice-cream.

3. Be a little bit shady

If you can, try to park and charge in shaded areas. Some of our charging spots – like our Gigahub at the NEC in Birmingham – have all-weather canopies to keep you dry in the winter and covered in the summer. As a back-up, you could consider keeping a windscreen cover in your car so that even if there is no shade available you can help keep your EV nice and cool.

4. Aim for a smooth drive

Heavy acceleration and sudden braking can create wear and tear on a vehicle. By braking gradually, taking corners smoothly, and generally aiming for smooth steady manoeuvres, you can care for your EV and help your battery stay at the most constructive temperature.

5. Be air-con savvy

Remember that putting on air conditioning requires energy from your EV, which could decrease the range of your charge – how long it can travel on a single charge. Building in more regular charging breaks on hot days, when you know you’ll have the air con on, can keep you cool and range confident. Consider a service, too, if you’ve not done one for a while. Most manufacturers recommend getting air conditioning serviced every two years - your manual will be more specific.

6. Don’t forget your tyres

Hot temperatures may cause tyres to crack quicker. Heat can also cause air in tyres to expand, which can affect their grip on roads in hot days and give you slightly longer braking distances. Give them a good look, check your tyre health and tread depth, and if in doubt, take your EV to a garage.

7. Pack water for yourself

It’s an obvious one, but bears repeating. Safety first and safety second, that’s our motto.

8. Have a read of your handbook for specific information

While they might not be quite as gripping as that hot new summer read you’ve earmarked for the beach, manuals are incredibly useful. Allocate yourself a little time to familiarise yourself with your manufacturer’s recommendations for hot weather driving and your EV will thank you for it.

We hope these eight hot weather tips will keep you cool and confident on the road. And remember, for ice-cream, iced coffee, and helpful charging, look out for bp pulse charging sites in your favourite summer destinations. You can find them on our free app.

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